
Oceana green lights commercial solar panel fees | News |

A fee schedule fr commercial solar projects was adopted by the Oceana County Board of Commissioners at its regular meeting Thursday in Hart.

The approved schedule is slightly higher than initially proposed so that it would be in line with the fee schedule in Mason County. Vertical Fans

Oceana green lights commercial solar panel fees | News |

The building inspection office will charge $7 per unit for units up to 20 kilovolt amps (kVA) or horizontal pitch. The initial proposal was $5. For units 21-50 kVA the county will charge $12 and for units able 50 kVA, the fee will be $14. The initial proposals were for $9 and $11 respectively.

Inspections are to be made the the county electrical inspector.

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Oceana green lights commercial solar panel fees | News |

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