Vizag Gas Tragedy: As per the latest update, Styrene Gas was leaked from the LG Polymers Plant in Visakhapatnam, which has so far claimed over 8 lives in Andhra Pradesh. Know what styrene gas is and why such a poisonous gas is used as a raw material here.
Vizag Gas Tragedy: As per the latest update, Styrene Gas was leaked from the LG Polymers Plant in Visakhapatnam, which has so far claimed over 8 lives in Andhra Pradesh. Media reports have indicated that following the leak, the gas has spread across as radius of 3 km affecting at least 5 villages and over 3000 people. Initial reports indicate the gas leak occurred on 7th May – Thursday at 2 AM on in the morning and quickly spread to around 5 villages in the vicinity of RR Venkatapuram where the plant is located. Styrene Application

Get complete details about what Styrene Gas is and how it affects a human body here.
Styrene is a chemical compound that has been identified as neruo-toxins. It is also known as ethenylbenzene, vinylbenzene, and phenylethene and has chemical formula of C6H5CH=CH2. Styrene Gas is a by-product of highly flammable raw material Styrene. The gas produced by burning styrene is poisonous in nature. Coming to chemical properties, Styrene Gas is a colour-less and odour-less compound. However, in few cases, the gas has been reported as having a mild sweet odour. It quickly spreads in air.
Styrene is used as a raw material for making products that are commonly used in electric fan blades, cups and cutlery as well as containers in which cosmetic products are stored. It is widely used in plastic and rubber industry as a raw material.
Going by the reports coming in from Vizag, inhalation of Styrene gas affects body in following stages
According to experts, Styrene is a neuro-toxin and its inhalation can lead to immobilisation and eventual death (in confused in concentrated doses) in ten minutes. Some of the common implications of inhalation of Styrene Gas on human body are as follows:
Nervous system and kidney effects
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