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Whether you’re a shower person, a bath person, or a sheet-mask-every-day person, chances are you spend a lot of time in your bathroom. While we’ve rounded up the best accents for your apartment, bedroom, and kitchen elsewhere, here we’ve found the best inexpensive bathroom-décor ideas — from spruced-up versions of powder-room necessities to clever space-saving accessories to everything you’ll need to turn even the saddest, tiniest bathroom into an at-home, spalike retreat. All the things on this list are available on Amazon, but we’ve found some elsewhere, too, for those who like to shop around. Hot And Cold Filtered Water Tap

To keep your favorite books and magazines safe from toothpaste, bathwater, and other hazards.

Shower Cold But Taps Hot “The matchbooks look like a prop from the Boogie Nights set, but all each carries are brief bursts of incense,” writes former Strategist senior editor Margaret Rhodes of these fragrant incense matches that she says are better (and cooler looking) than any bathroom candle. “Light one, burn it down a quarter of an inch, and it emits a brief wisp of fragrant smoke — no need to leave a lit candle unattended.”