Which shaker DOES the salt go in? Does it matter? There is an actual salt and pepper rule. To identify the salt and pepper shakers, it all has to do with the number and size of the holes and your level of commitment to insanity.
People are creatures of habit and of doing things just because that's the way they're done. This is the only explanation for why we leave pie to the end of the meal instead of the more obvious choice of EATING IT FIRST. It's just the way it's done. Oil And Vinegar Cruet Set

Unless it's Blueberry pie because blueberry pie as you probably know is one of The 4 True Pies all of which can be eaten before, during or after meals.
The other thing most of us do is put the salt in the shaker with the most amount of holes. The pepper goes in the shaker with the fewer amount of holes. That is the "rule".
Because we're law abiding citizens and we like to follow rules to help maintain a balanced life and orderly society, we do this. We follow the salt and pepper rule.
Well I am here to tell you right now that society is about to become unhinged. It might make more sense to break the salt and pepper rule. I know. Everybody calm down.
I broke all the rules when I went on record declaring I didn't like the Instant Pot after testing it for a month.
Here's the reasoning behind my thumbing my nose at social norms for salt and pepper. Pepper is bigger and lighter. It has a harder time flowing out of the holes. Salt is finer and heavier. It has an easier time flowing out of holes. So doesn't it make sense to put the pepper in the shaker with more holes, and the salt in the shaker with fewer holes?
Yes. I think it does. It does make sense.
And before you start running for the bomb shelter and screaming through the streets, consider this. I actually changed my salt and pepper shakers over 9 years ago. And since then society has stayed pretty much the same. Aside from ... you know.
Of course I don't really use my salt and pepper shakers. I have the pepper grinder I turned myself for all my pepper needs.
And for salt I keep it in a wood bowl and usually just use my fingers to grab some. Why yes, I *do* get salt under my nails every time I do this.
I know about now you're thinking about switching around your salt and pepper shakers but you're worried. What will people think of you? What will happen at the next family dinner when people shake the salt and pepper comes flying out? Nothing. Nothing will happen. Frankly their eyebrows will be so long they won't be able to see which is which anyway.
1. Until 100 years ago or so, pound bars of salt were the basic currency in Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia). Some say in very small regions it is still treated as currency.
2. In the early 1800s salt was 4 times as expensive as beef on the frontier – it was essential in keeping people and livestock alive.
3. Kosher salt is indeed, not kosher. It gets its name because the larger salt you know as kosher salt, is what was used when koshering (removing blood from) meat. Larger, salt crystals allowed the surface blood to be removed without absorbing into the meat. So kosher salt could be washed off without affecting the taste of the meat unlike a fine salt.
4. There are 32 references to salt in the bible, the first one being in The Book of Job.
5. Salt is poisonous. But only when consumed in large quantities. That's why in China it used to be a way of committing suicide. And quite a reputable one at that. All the upper crust chose to commit suicide by salt because it was so expensive. Even in a suicidal state there's time for elitism.
6. One of the first known taxes in the world was issued in the year 2200 BC by the Chinese emperor Hsia Yu. He taxed salt. Perhaps it was a way to cut down on suicides.
7. Throughout time, salt has typically been used as money. At one point it was known to trade at the same value as gold. So one ounce of salt was worth the same as an ounce of gold.
1. Historically, pepper was also worth a lot of money, but my sense is that the pepper people are just trying to keep up with all the good salt stories.
2. Andddd that about concludes the "interesting pepper facts".
Not convinced by the salt and pepper rules? You can drill bigger holes into your shakers. Read my tutorial about it here.
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Someone may have already noted this, but I did not want to read 201 comments to find out, plus, I was grading papers. Reading the comments probably would have been more interesting but a job is a job. The note - Mark Kurlansky wrote a great book about the history of salt. The title is The Story of Salt.
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT with your S&P rule. It’s common sense!
I have been on a quest for the right shakers…. not too big, small, or pricey, can be easily picked up in one hand, “reasonably” attractive (not unlike their owner). And I found them at IKEA. https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/plats-salt-pepper-shaker-set-of-2-stainless-steel-80233675/ The really great part is there’s no stupid plug in the bottom for refilling and the inevitable overfilling swearing. The top stainless steel tube slides off the inner plastic tube which is then filled from the top. No screw top either, just sliiiide. And $5.99. What’s not to love?Those Swedes are brilliant!
Another perfect example of why I must read every post you make. I couldn't stand to think I missed one like this - really! It made me smile and I learned something new. What could be more important for a free few minutes of my time? Thank you!
Happy to continue to make you smile Mary W! ~ karen
Whew! I always thought that since pepper is larger, it should be in the shaker with the most holes; you stand a better chance of getting some to come out with more holes. I've been a rule breaker I didn't even know it :) My neighbor pours a bit in his hand to see what is what in the shaker, so he's never surprised when he shakes. Good practice, I think.
Nothing to do with S&P, but about pie at the end of a meal. Some years ago, a friend who emigrated from Russia told me that in one Eastern European country, can't remember which, they serve dessert at the beginning of a meal. She speculated that they do so to fill people up before the meal so they would eat less. It has something to do with rationing during Soviet times.
I broke the "RULE" many years ago. It just makes more sense to me too!
I can’t be the only one who has always put the salt in the one or two-holed option?… I have also never had a matching pair that weren’t mills because to be brutally honest, anyone who buys ready-ground pepper needs to simply stop and get themselves a mill, it’s just SO much more flavourful and any issue would be instantly resolved!
I LOVE pepper! And my husband has high BP so he doesn't need a lot of salt. So I actually switched my shakers a long time ago (30 years). I was always frustrated by the tiny amount of pepper that would pass through the holes in the pepper shaker AND the insane amount of salt that was coming out of the salt shaker. The first thing I did was take the top off of the salt shaker and put a piece of clear tape to cover about half of the holes (less salt for hubby). Then I bought a Peugeot pepper mill for me. Thanks, Karen, for making me laugh everyday!
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My name is Karen Bertelsen and I was a television host. In Canada. Which means in terms of notoriety and wealth, I was somewhere on par with the manager of a Sunset Tan in Wisconsin.
I quit television to start a blog with the goal that I could make my living through blogging and never have to host a television show again. And it’s worked out. I’m making a living blogging. If you’re curious, this is how I do that.
So I’m doing this in reverse basically. I’m the only blogger who is trying to NOT get a TV show.

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